How do you develop an electric vehicle program strategy that is designed to drive desired customer behaviors and create a win-win for the utility and customer?
Tony Georgis and Max Bernt presented Leveraging Data to Drive Electric Vehicle Program Strategy at the 2021 American Public Power Association’s National Conference (Virtual Event). This session walked through the strategic development of an electric vehicle program and strategic rate design utilizing the practical application and convergence of AMI/customer load profiles, system loads, Federal Transportation Trip, and dynamic rate design data to make informed decisions on program design and incentives that drive desired behaviors. Applying real-world experience, NewGen considers what utilities have done in the past, as well as current considerations that utilities are facing when determining a path forward for supporting or incentivizing electric vehicles in their communities. Our approach illustrates how to understand and operationalize multiple datasets that drive decision-making and highlight key data elements and analyses required to ensure an effective and strategic plan.
For more information, please contact Tony Georgis ( or Max Bernt (