In a complex and changing landscape, providing solid waste services that are affordable, reliable, and sustainable requires solid waste service providers to balance the practicality of responsibly managing waste with aspirational goals for environmental sustainability. Navigating challenges and opportunities such as optimizing your diversion programs, financing capital improvements, and leveraging public/private partnerships further complicates decision-making. How do you manage both the operational and financial realities with stakeholder demands to implement the best strategic approach for your community’s solid waste programs?
Understanding your community, your solid waste services, and your data are the three essential elements to developing actionable strategies to maximize the future. Our approach balances the challenges of waste and diversion to provide an integrated view designed to make long-term decisions with confidence.
For more information, please contact Allison Trulock (atrulock@newgenstrategies.net).

Solid Waste Collection: Managing the Challenges and Optimizing the Opportunities

The Impact of COVID on Capital Costs, Labor Costs, and User Fees