Water is inherent to life, but public awareness of its value is only recognized when availability decreases, or quality is compromised. Addressing limited water resources, funding aging infrastructure, and maintaining affordable service is challenging at all points in the water cycle - from tap to drain. The increasing amount of data at the convergence of these issues further complicates decision-making. How should you approach the analysis needed to determine the best strategic solutions for water, wastewater, and stormwater services that address stakeholder demands and ensure public trust?
Understanding the water sector challenges that impact your community, your organization, and your data is essential to developing actionable strategies that maximize the future. We leverage our water, wastewater, and stormwater expertise in our advisory services and financial modeling to solve your most complicated issues. Through proactive collaboration, we upgrade or design strategies to ensure responsiveness, transparency, and reliability while paving the way for successful buy-in across all your stakeholders. Increased clarity for proactive decisions is the path to realizing progress against enduring challenges in the face of evolving constraints and competing interests.
For more information, please contact Matthew Garrett (mgarrett@newgenstrategies.net) or Mike Maker (mmaker@newgenstrategies.net).

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