Supporting CCAs Throughout California

NewGen's team has substantial experience navigating California's dynamic electric market and routinely provides financial, regulatory, and utility consulting services for 16 of the 24 currently operating Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) and the trade association CalCCA. Our experience and services directly support the CCAs’ missions of higher clean energy content, local renewables, and financial stability. NewGen’s regulatory and litigation support efforts have helped to improve the CCAs competitive position with over $500 million in adjustments made to exit fees, and have also ensured a level playing field via the review of green tariff rates. Additionally, our combined Power Cost Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) model and regulatory expertise offers CCAs a competitive advantage, strategy guidance, and insights related to near- and long-term opportunities that allow CCAs to improve their financial stability and implement their vision.

For more information, please contact Brian Dickman (
