NewGen was retained by the City of Crystal River to assist with conducting an online customer survey that gauged opinions related to service styles and levels, developing a collection procurement package, facilitating the procurement process, and revising relevant solid waste ordinance chapters.
In collaboration with the City’s Communications Department, NewGen developed an online customer survey questionnaire. Upon completion of the survey, results were analyzed and presented to City Council along with a facilitated discussion on style and frequency of collection services that could be contemplated in the procurement process as options from which the City could select. With Council direction, NewGen developed the RFP package, facilitated the pre-proposal meeting, and assisted with addenda development.
Received proposals were evaluated and NewGen facilitated an evaluation committee meeting to conduct proposal scoring and ranking. NewGen also presented procurement results and the identified staff recommendation for award to Council. Following contract negotiations with the successful proposer, the new service contract was approved by City Council in September 2021.
The City has also retained NewGen to assist with review and recommended revision for the solid waste chapter in the City’s code of ordinances; edits were adopted in January 2022.