NewGen was retained in 2019 by the City of Mesquite (City) to conduct a review of Republic Services’ request for a rate increase, specifically associated with their front load and roll-off solid waste collection services, as well as their commercial recycling collection within the City of Mesquite. Based on the results of the negotiations (which resulted in a successful renewal of the agreement between the City and Republic), NewGen was asked to conduct a feasibility study to determine whether it made sense for the City to consider at some point in the future taking over all commercial garbage and recycling collection services within the City.
NewGen worked with City staff to develop a proforma revenue and cost analysis. The proforma developed salary, operating costs and capital estimates based on a review of route sheets (provided by Republic). Based on this analysis, NewGen determined that the City could provide the same level of service at a cheaper price than Republic.
In February 2020, NewGen was retained to undertake the development of a comprehensive solid waste master plan and cost of service study. NewGen completed the development of the plan in September 2021. Components of the plan included a comprehensive review of all residential collection operations, a review of the City’s composting and yard waste site, the evaluation and feasibility of building a second transfer station, and finally a comprehensive solid waste cost of service study.