NewGen Partners Brian Dickman and Mike Maker

We are excited to announce Brian Dickman and Mike Maker as new partners effective January 2022!

Brian Dickman joined NewGen from Guidehouse (formerly Navigant Consulting) in early 2020 as an Executive Consultant located in Vancouver, Washington. With nearly 20 years of experience in utility industry consulting, Brian has helped NewGen continue to grow the Energy Practice’s presence on the West Coast, including significant growth with Community Choice Aggregator clients in California. As Deputy Managing Partner, Brian has been instrumental in identifying and leading the expanded opportunities with California CCAs in our regulatory, financial, and strategic analytic service areas. His primary areas of expertise focus on the electric regulatory process and utility economics, which includes extensive expert witness testimony in seven states.

Mike Maker has continued to successfully grow his client base and is instrumental in the expansion of NewGen’s presence in the Northeastern United States, as well as in California, Illinois, and other targeted locales. Additionally, Mike currently serves as the Deputy Managing Partner of NewGen’s Water and Wastewater Practice. As an active member of AWWA, WEF, and GFOA, Mike regularly speaks at conferences, serves on various committees, and participates in writing and editing industry manuals. Mike is an accredited expert witness before both regulatory and judicial entities.

Please join us in congratulating Brian and Mike in their new roles!